
tice how their pattern of speech differs from that of the male - even if the women have low voices.

By now many of our sisters are familiar with a Paula Len- sko, an English antress who has made a number of commer- cials. She probably doesn't realize it but her exceptional voice has done more for Tv's than most of us realize. If everyone has accepted her voice as "female", then think how much easier it will be for a lot of us to get away with talking in our "female" voices. As for me, the voice development required as much or more practice than any other facet of female 'impersonation.' There have been a number of occasions when I have had to talk to salespersons, waitresses, etc. While some gave me "disbeliev- ing" stares, others paid little or no attention. I have yet to contact any person who has asked point-blank if I was a man "in drag." The majority of people won't stick their necks out but, then again, most do not care.

I have been in places where it was very important that I "passed". As an example, there was one time when my wife and I and my beautician friend all went to a country and wes- tern bar. That is one place where you can't afford to make any mistakes. A couple of other times we went to a disco where I was asked to dance by other guests although, naturally, | politely refused.

Generally, I enjoy shopping for wigs, clothes and especially high heeled shoes. I also feel more comfortable being dressed while shopping for cosmetics. Dining in restaurants while doing my "second self" is a favorite activity. It doesn't bother me at all, now, to give my order to a waitress. I have even passed people that I know who didn't give me a second glance.

Vickki has come a long way in the past few years since she emerged from the closet. Having done the many things that females take for granted has proved to me quite satisfying. I am no longer up-tight about having to "prove" my femme- self. The novelty of "passing" has given way to simply just enjoying being a girl. However there have been 'tight' situa- tions where I wished that I had been other places. As an example, there was a large shopping center in a town far from here and where a young boy followed me, making rude remarks in a loud voice. As it was, there were several of us in the store, so I wasn't the only one being ridiculed. It was unfortunate that I didn't have the time to educate this young fellow concerning trans- vestism as it was obvious that he knew nothing about the subject. Great strides have been made in order for transvestites to be free in expressing their 'second self' but a lot of work remains to be done before the transvestite is completely free. In the
